How Notix Helps You Continue Earning when Your App is Banned?
Most publishers use third-party platforms for app distribution to monetize their products. However, due to harsh policies of such services, numerous apps are being removed from there and sometimes without any objective reasons. What to do?
Top Burning User Questions about Notix and Push: Interview with Alex Koshkin
Alex Koshkin, Head of Notix Product Development, answers the most popular questions from Notix customers.
Applabz Case Study: Working In-App Push Strategy (+ Our In-App Push)
Read about the challenges Applabz faced and how Notix’s development of a new push strategy allowed the app developer to get 3.7 MLN subscribers.
In-App Push vs. Web Push Notifications: What’s the Difference?
Web and In-App Push: difference, use cases, pros, and cons.