Notix Push Notifications as a Tool for Reducing Customer Churn

Push Notifications as a Tool for Reducing Customer Churn

Did you know that retaining customers is cheaper than attracting new ones? We didn’t invent this: just rough statistics, that’s all. So, the less your customers churn, the more money you save, right? Even if you don’t sell anything, you still want to keep your site users staying with you — ideally, forever.

So how can you make customers stay and re-engage them over and over again? We know how to do it using push notifications — and will tell you right now.

What is customer churn, and why does it happen

Basically, churned customers are people who don’t use your service anymore. For instance, don’t read new posts on your news website. Or don’t purchase your items, if you are an online shop. Or stopped watching videos on your streaming service. 

Besides, some customers who used to be active before, but rarely visit you now — we can also call them churned in some sense. So why does it all happen?

There are several reasons why people might drop your service , and you can’t affect all of them. For instance, there’s little you can do when a customer doesn’t need or can’t afford your product anymore.

Luckily, you can control most other factors — and reduce customer churn related to the following issues:

  • Your customers are not satisfied with the service you provide. Website errors, delivery delays, slow loading site — mistakes every product owner can accidentally make.
  • Your competitors are snapping at your heels. Your customers are still interested in you — but they are also interested in many other similar sites or brands, too. It’s not a monogamous relationship, so you always struggle for the first place in your customers’ hearts. Otherwise, they can completely switch to your competitors anytime.
  • New users can’t see much value in your offer/content yet. A newcomer can’t be loyal to you, right? That’s why it’s very easy for them to leave. There is a large percentage of churn at the very beginning of the sales funnel: new users are very likely to reject what you offer.
  • Your customers forget about you. Yes, your website, product, or service is not something a user thinks about all the time. If you don’t remind them to visit your site, they might easily switch to something else and never come back to you. 

So how can push notifications help beat it?

How to reduce churn with push notifications

The great news is that push notifications are very efficient when you fight customer churn. They contain short and precise messages with clear CTAs (at least, they should!) and can reach a user even when they are away from your site. Here are 4 strategies on how to reduce customer churn in various situations.

Strategy #1: Improving customer service 

So, you upset your customer in some way. Or you may upset them in the future — you have some issues you already know about. Use push notifications to apologize and restore customer loyalty. Here are some examples:

  • You have a very busy sales period and risk failing with timely delivery


  • You are running out of some goods.


  • You upset your customer and want to apologize by giving them an extra bonus
  • You planned some maintenance work on your website
  • You want to have a dialogue with your customer to know what you should improve

Strategy #2: Standing out from the crowd

It’s unlikely that you are the only news website, the only clothing store, or the only streaming or entertaining platform around. Don’t be shy — show that you are here and you are the best. Here is what you can try to do:

  • You have some updates: don’t hide them!
  • You posted some hot news: be the first news site to deliver them!

Notix allows you to deliver notifications instantly — without any delays. So, sending an alert will be the quickest way to attract your user’s attention and stay in their sight.

Strategy #3: Reminding about yourself

It’s about re-engaging customers when they are still with you but you see they are not so active anymore. What can you do?

  • Send personalized reminders:

Pro Tip from Notix: use our Last activity targeting settings to deliver such reminders. With them, you can target the users who haven’t visited your site for a particular time:

  • Send regular notifications at the same time:

Strategy #4: Engaging new customers

You don’t have much time to prove you are worth loyalty — so go for it! You have all chances to become the next favorite site of your new user, so get the most of the Notix personalized opt-in requests. 

They can instantly show what you offer and bring you new subscribers. You will retain them later using our tips above — so it’s important! And, of course, examples:

Opt-in request for a news site:


Opt-in request for a streaming site:


And Some More Tips

Whatever strategy you choose, don’t forget about the golden rules of push notifications:

  • Check the previews: your notifications must deliver the full message! Otherwise, it won’t catch a user’s attention.
  • Don’t forget about audience segmentation and targeting: it allows you to send notifications that will really engage your audience.
  • Don’t be too intrusive and make sure you don’t send too many alerts — but don’t make the number too little, too! The average number of notifications might depend on your niche, but in most cases, shouldn’t exceed 2 alerts per day.
  • And, last but not least: to engage your customers through the efficient push notifications channel…