GetMyUni and Notix Case Study: +500K New Subscribers

GetMyUni is an interactive platform for students. This website serves as an informational resource about colleges, courses, ratings, exams, and reviews and helps students know more about institutions of their interest.

The company’s aim is to keep learners updated and provide the freshest info about the educational world. As such, using push notifications for their website was a smart idea –  this format is perfect for real-time news delivery and reminders.

Before contacting Notix, GetMyUni already used push subscriptions to interact with their visitors. However, we managed to bring their interaction to a new level. Want to know how? Read on!

Case details


As we have mentioned, has been working with another push service before Notix. At the end of May 2021, the team decided to switch to our service. They contacted us and here is how we progressed:


We provided GetMyUni with an opportunity to evaluate our service before applying. Our partners tested Notix features and overall platform usability to make sure that it is easy to use and includes the required functionality.

Subscribers migration

Our partners decided to move the most active subscribers from their previous base to Notix. To do that, GetMyUni just had to deal with minor preparations, while all the technical work was our responsibility. The migration was simple and fast – neither for our partners nor for subscribers any inconveniences were possible.

New subscribers collection

After the old base was partly transferred, GetMyUni started collecting fresh subscribers. They delivered messages to notify visitors about upcoming educational events and news, as well as college application and admission reminders. To reach the best results, such features as scheduled notifications and targeting by the city were used.

Compared to the company’s previous experience, they saw the true value in the better push notifications delivery – Notix has a unique in-house technology to increase the rate up to 30%.


In a couple of months, GetMyUni could boast of half a million subscribers on the account and this number continues to grow. Considering the company’s limited marketing budget, we managed to offer balanced conditions and help them boost performance.

Push Notifications Preview


With Notix, GetMyUni brought their push campaign to a new level. We helped them transfer subscribers easily and maximally engage users into the website content. Pretty fast, GetMyUni expanded their subscriber base manifold. Both of us were satisfied with this cooperation and here is what Anusha S., Digital Marketing Analyst at Getmyuni, has to say about it:

«Our overall experience with Notix has been great. It is a user-friendly tool. The Notix team has been humble and helpful throughout the set up and migration process. Cheers!»
To make your push campaign skyrocket, you should rely on real professionals. Notix is always here to help you with any stage of the process.

Contact us via email: and let’s improve your user engagement together!