
5 Clever Ways to Use Push Notifications to Engage and Monetize

This article is authored by Steve P. Young, the founder of App Masters—an app marketing agency dedicated to growing apps faster and cheaper. Steve is also an author, speaker, and host. You can gain in-depth insights into the world of app marketing from his videos and interviews with industry giants on the App Masters YouTube channel.

Yes! Push notifications are no longer reserved for just alerts. They have become pivotal for engaging users and increasing monetization.

As a developer or business owner, finding the right balance between offering valuable services to users and generating revenue can be challenging, but push notifications can help you scale that hurdle.

Below, we’ll walk you through five interesting and clever strategies to transform push notifications from simple reminders to powerful user engagement and monetization tools.

Let’s get started!

1. Offer a Discount

Discounts can accelerate user engagement when employed strategically. You can deliver this with push notifications to get people back into your app, especially when they’ve shown intent.

For instance, a user who activates and cancels a trial is likely interested in your product. Sending them a push containing an exclusive discount can be effective for getting them to come back. 


Consider making the discount a limited-time offer, as it will encourage users to act quickly, if not immediately. The time window to monetize your users is relatively short, and you can get insights by looking at your numbers and retention metrics.

We’ve found that increasing your revenue automatically translates into increased retention, especially if you have subscription apps. However, for games, you may need to work on your retention before monetization.

2. Re-Engage Users Post Hard Paywall

Implementing a hard paywall is an effective model for increasing conversions, but it can also affect user engagement and retention. The good news is you can bridge this gap with push notifications.

If you have a hard paywall, a clever strategy that works is to send a timely push notification that re-engages users. The Zero app demonstrates how you can do this. Their onboarding process has a hard paywall, but they’ll send in a push after five minutes with the message “Start using zero for free! No subscription required. Just open the app.”


When you click on the push, you’ll see a soft paywall that you can either subscribe to or exit to enjoy the app for free.


It is a clever way to keep users in if you have a hard paywall. This strategy can pay off in the long run because you get to retain them for possible monetization or word-of-mouth referrals in the future rather than lose them forever due to the hard paywall.

3. Tell Them Push Notifications Are Ending…

Reviving users’ interest in your app is crucial for engagement, and you can achieve this quite easily with push notifications. They can remind users of their app progress or inform them of new developments.

When users see these messages, it ignites their curiosity, and they want to open the app to find out more. It is a good idea to send only the subject and a snippet. This preview should be enough to encourage action and engagement within the app.


You can also ask for feedback, provide recommendations, reminders, or other things that get users back into the app. Then, you can bring up a paywall or schedule it for another time.

4. Recover Cart Abandonment

Recovering cart abandonment can be a challenge for e-commerce websites and trial subscription apps. Thankfully, push notifications are a great way to bring them back.

Reaching out to users who have abandoned items in the cart is a quick and easy strategy to increase revenues. You can send messages to remind them, tell them the product may be out of stock soon, or offer free shipping or a limited-time discount.

Zinio, a digital magazine app, used this method. Their former approach involved sending just two reminders – one hour and 2 days after a user abandoned their cart.

When they increased the reminders to one hour, one day, and then one week after the cart abandonment, they generated a 13x improvement in conversions versus the old method.


Sending more reminders increases sales, especially when users showed intent. Some users aim to check out later but forget and a little nudge might just do it for some. So, if users are doing something in your app to show intent, it is an excellent idea to remind them more using push notifications.

5. Motivate Them

We found that motivational quotes bring users back into your app, regardless of the type of app it is. Dating apps are popular with this strategy, but you can use them with any other app.

Bear in mind that this isn’t about throwing random quotes at users. Instead, they must be related to users’ activities for your app. Use push notifications that inspire action and encourage participation on your platform.


For example, dating apps can show push notifications that say, “Hey! A lot of people are viewing your profile,” and games could use something like “Hey! New challenge unlocked.” These sorts of push notifications can draw in users because they motivate them. 

Leverage success stories that make users want to do more. Yelp has a push notification message that says, “Hey! Your review for a business helped this business get 400% more views.” You can also motivate users with tangible incentives, challenges, and exclusive opportunities. 

Why Use Notix?

Now, for any push notification strategies to work for engagement and monetization, your push must be timely and tailored to individual preferences and journeys.

Notix can help you achieve that and more. The platform helps with not only setting up push notifications but also monetizing them. With web, mobile, and app options, you have all you need to generate revenue from all platforms.

With Notix, you can target users based on country, city, device, operating system, browser, and user action. Explore the power of Notix today to unlock new levels of user engagement and monetization through push notifications.